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Roti Kapda Romance Box Office Collection, budget, hit or flop, screen count & other cinema info

Roti Kapda Romance Box Office Collection, budget, hit or flop, screen count & other cinema info
Roti Kapda Romance Box Office Collection, budget, hit or flop, screen count & other cinema info

Roti Kapda Romance movie was released in theatres on 28 Nov, 2024 and is mainly available to watch in telugu language. The film has been directed by director Vikram Reddy. This film is a Comedy, Drama, Romantic. It is a family film which will be released on around 500 screens on the first day in India. The star cast of the film includes Harsha Narra, Khushboo Choudary, Sandeep Saroj, Sonu Thakur, Supraj Ranga, Megha Lekha, and others who have done excellent acting.

Roti Kapda Romance Box Office Collection Overview

movie nameRoti Kapda Romance
release date28 Nov, 2024
box office collection₹ 0.50 Cr
worldwide collection₹ 0.58 Cr
budget6 cr * approx
hit or flopflop
castHarsha Narra, Khushboo Choudary, Sandeep Saroj, Sonu Thakur, Supraj Ranga, Megha Lekha

opening day collection; ₹ 0.10 Cr

opening weekend collectionRs. 0.40 Cr

week 1 collection; TBA

Roti Kapda Romance Box Office Collection day wise

day 129 November 2024 (Fri)₹ 0.10 Cr * rough data
day 230 November 2024 (Sat)₹ 0.15 Cr * rough data
day 301 december 2024 (Sun)₹ 0.15 Cr * rough data
day 402 december 2024 (mon)₹ 0.10 Cr * rough data
day 503 december 2024 (tue)
day 604 december 2024 (Wed)
day 705 december 2024 (thu)
Totaltotal day= 7₹ 0.50 Cr

India net collection; ₹ 0.50 Cr

worldwide collection; ₹ 0.58 Cr

overuse collection; ₹ — Cr

india gross collection; ₹ 0.58 Cr

Roti Kapda Romance movie budget

The film has been made with a budget of ₹ 60000000, out of which about ₹ 30000000 is the production cost and including the fees of the star cast, around ₹ 1 to ₹ 20000000 has been spent. Overall, the film has been made with the budget of Roti Kapda Romance movie. Overall, according to the report, the film has a budget of ₹ 60000000.

Roti Kapda Romance movie screen count

total screen count500 screen

Roti Kapda Romance movie trailer


The box office collection data provided here may be estimated and complete predictions, but in most cases, the information provided above is provided by researching the information through some official sources original newsprint and an official Twitter handle. This is done with complete confidence. We do not claim any kind of authenticity of the data available here.

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Written by rama shanker

My name is Ramashankar Tiwari and I am a content news writer by profession and I have experience of last 8 years in this field.

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